News and Donations

Young girl with short dark brown hair and peach sleeveless sun dress holding a small teddy bear while leaning against a distressed grey concrete wall

Recent donations by the Kiwanis Club of Glenelg include:

  • A further $2,000 to Treasure Boxes for toiletries for homeless children and their parent.
  • $250 for Term 1 for Brighton Primary School Breakfast Club through St Judes Church.
  • $2,000 to Arthritis SA for their KidsFlix program so children who normally can’t attend the movies can have a special day at the movies.
  • $1,000 to The Migrant Womens Association to fund visits to Lollipops during the Christmas holidays.
  • $913 to The Migrant Womens Association to allow children to visit the zoo in the September school holidays.
  • $3,272 to Operation Flinders to help fund the Next Step program where students who have completed the camp then follow up with this program.
  • $4,000 to Treasure Boxes to enable them to purchase a large washing machine and toiletries for kids in need.
  • $2,500 to the Kiwanis International Childrens Fund
  • $4,000 to the Kiwanis Australia District Foundation to the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Association; the Children First Foundation; HeartKids Australia and the Kiwanis Charitable Foundation.
  • $500 for 2 more terms to fund the breakfast program at Brighton Primary School, through St Judes Church, Brighton
  • $7,200 Frame Runner for Ryan – frame runners are an assistance aid for people with disabilities like cerebral palsy etc.
  • $500 to St Judes Church to fund 2 terms – Tuesday breakfast program
  • $2,429 to Treasure Boxes for new shelving for donations
  • $1,872 The Smith Family – yearly sponsorship for 2 students
  • $1,000 to Angel Flight
  • $800 to fund 4 teams of girls to attend Camp Amity – a camp for disabled girls who are accompanied by a girl guide – in recent years known as Kiwanis Camp Amity
  • $550 to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund
  • $3,750 to DEBRA – Butterfly Children to help with psychological support for this terrible condition
  • A further $2,000 to Treasure Boxes for urgent supplies to homeless children and family
  • $2,000 to the Little Heroes Foundation – their Childhood Dementia program
  • Toys donated by all club members to be given to Treasure Boxes for underprivileged children for Christmas
  • $120 – 2x$60 for our 2 Smith Family children for Christmas
  • $1,000 to Arthritis SA – KidsFlix movie day
  • $4,000 to Kiwanis Australia District Foundation to be split between:
    • HeartKids research
    • ALL – Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
    • Children First Foundation
    • Kiwanis Charitable Foundation
  • $850 for award vouchers for Terrific Kids Awards to be given in December
  • $1,200 to Backpack4SAKids for urgent supplies
  • A further $2,000 to Treasure Boxes for urgently needed supplies
  • $7,500 for a 3rd frame runner for a child with cerebral palsy
  • $3,000 to Operations Flinders
  • $5,000 to DEBRA – Butterfly Children
  • 2 frame runners for children with cerebral palsy
  • $1,000 per annum ongoing to the St Judes breakfast program at Brighton PS
  • $1,000 to Royal Flying Doctor Service
  • $1,872 to support 2 children through The Smith Family
  • $2,031 to provide toiletries to Treasure Boxes for homeless children
  • $1,400 to help with surgery for a child with a facial tumour
  • $3,000 to Kiwanis programs supporting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia , HeartKids and the Children’s First Foundation
  • $1,000 to Anak Anak Bali Kids
  • $400 to fund 2 teams of Girl Guides to attend Kiwanis Camp Amity for girls with disabilities

Breaking News! Our Kiwanis Club of Glenelg has become a Sister Club to the Kiwanis Club of Penang Central

During the Asia Pacific Convention, which was held recently in Adelaide (March 2024), some members of Penang Central Club (Malaysia) met with Board members of our Glenelg Club (South Australia) and signed the MOU to recognise these 2 clubs as Sister Clubs. On the Sunday after the convention a trip to the Morphett Vale area to visit wineries was in order, and before trying any wines, the MOU was signed. The idea is for an exchange of ideas and to implement join programs and projects, promote unity and understanding between our respective memberships and promote cultural exchange and propagate goodwill and understanding among Kiwanis nations. Here is a photo of the document signed between the Presidents of each of our clubs – Mr Alan Blakebrough for Glenelg Club and Dato Seri Wong Siew Hai SH Wong for Penang Central Club.

In the photo immediately above:
Back row: International President-Elect Lee Kuan Yong, President-Elect Penang Central Club Catherine

De Padua, Past President Glenelg Peter Symons, Secretary Glenelg Marilyn Chandler and Governor Malaysia District Michael Chiew
Front row: President Penang Central SH Wong and President Glenelg Alan Blakebrough

Bunnings Barbecues at the Marion store

You will often find our crew at Bunnings, be it a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Come and purchase a lovely Slape sausage in bread with onion and sauce if desired, and support us as we raise funds for children. There is so much need with the hungry and homeless, even more now than in previous years. Your help would be greatly appreciated. See our Calendar for the dates we will be there.
